Subscriptions FAQ
How do I renew my subscription?
Subscribers: You can renew your subscription one of three ways:
1. Call the Box Office at Proctors at (518) 346-6204 to renew and/or change your subscription.
2. Visit the Box Office to renew and/or change your subscription.
3. Renew your subscription online. Click here to learn how.
Don’t forget to ask us about our Auto-Renew program!
- What’s a Theatre Lover?
- A Theatre Lover subscribes to both Proctors and theREP. These subscribers don’t prepay for a Crossvenue Pass because they already have ALL of the season shows!
- What’s the Crossvenue Pass?
- Every Proctors and theREP subscription (excluding Theatre Lovers) includes a show at the other venue. The Crossvenue Pass holds this prepaid value until the Benefit Period opens and you select which show at the other theatre you want to see. Most Crossvenue show selections will be the same price as your prepaid Crossvenue value, though there may be a few cases in which an additional payment is required beyond the prepaid Crossvenue value.
- How do I renew or change my subscription?
- You can renew or change your subscription by calling the Box Office at (518) 346-6204 or visiting us at 432 State St., Schenectady. If you don’t need to make any changes, you can also renew your subscription online. Click here to learn how. For the easiest renewal possible, ask us about our Auto Renew program!
- What’s the Auto Renew Program?
- The Auto Renew program is a simple way to renew your subscription year after year without waiting in long lines. Every winter before the new season’s shows are announced, we will send you a letter detailing your seat locations, initial show dates, times, pricing and your preferred payment schedule. Don’t worry, we will NEVER charge your card without contacting you first. Your full subscription benefits apply including the option to pay in monthly installments and you can call to change your auto-renew enrollment status and/or payment preferences at any time throughout the year. If you ever choose not to renew your subscription (before the season starts), we will refund any payment you may have already made.
- If you enroll in the Auto Renew program online, the system will default you to our 10 monthly payment installments. If you prefer a single payment each year or need a different payment plan structure, simply call our Subscription Team and we will make those adjustments for you.
- What’s the Benefit Period?
- The Benefit Period is the time frame when you can use all of your subscription benefits, including individual show customization. Each year, Proctors Collaborative announces a Benefit Period open date, usually late spring. The following benefits will become available: Crossvenue show selection, performance exchange and Add-On tickets. Your other subscription benefits, like pre-sale access, is available year round.
- What if I don’t want all the shows in my series?
- Check out our Opt-Out benefit. You can Opt-Out of one show per subscription; the value of the ticket(s) will be turned into Opt-Out Credit for you to use towards eligible shows and events in the same season.
- Opt-Out Credits must be used towards eligible shows and events at Proctors, Capital Repertory Theatre or Universal Preservation Hall. Opt-Out Credits must be used during the season of the show in which you opted out of and may not be used toward the following season’s subscription. Any remaining Opt-Out Credit at the end of the season will be forfeited.
- Out of town or uninterested in more than one show per series? We recommend contacting the Box Office to gift the shows to friends or family. That way you keep all your subscription benefits and take care of some of your holiday gifts early! For full details, see the Customize section on the Subscription Benefits page.
- What if I’m not available for my scheduled performance?
- Same show exchanges (called Performance Exchanges) are available for most shows up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled performance. You can exchange into the best available seats and apply your paid original ticket credit towards the current value of your new tickets. For full details, see the Customize section on the Subscription Benefits page.
- Why did I pay more for exchanging tickets? I thought there were no fees.
- Subscribers don’t pay exchange fees. If you exchanged into a higher priced ticket, then you were charged the difference between your original ticket value and the new ticket value. Any eligible subscription discount will be applied to the new ticket value if available. New tickets can be a different price for a variety of reasons, including a change of performance date and time, a change of seating section or dynamic pricing (demand-based price changes). If you exchange into a cheaper ticket, we will give you a credit on your account for the difference to be used for a future purchase.
- When can I use my benefits?
- All subscription benefits work within the same season (e.g. 2024-2025) as the subscription package. The exact benefit start dates and deadlines change each year, but in general:
- Opt-Out: Begin immediately with the subscription on-sale and end about five to six months later, usually in August. Opt-Out Credit must be used during the season of the event in which you opted out; starting on the Benefit Opening date, the Opt-Out Pass may be redeemed towards eligible events scheduled to take place before August 15 of the end of the season.
- Crossvenue Selection: Begin with the Benefit Period Open Date (usually late spring) and end about 5-6 months later, usually in August.
- Performance Exchange: Begin with the Benefit Period Open Date (usually late spring) and end 24-hours prior to your scheduled performance. Occasionally, specific shows have different deadlines, in which case you will be notified via email.
- Add-On Subscription Tickets: Begin with the Benefit Period Open Date (usually late spring) with no deadline. Occasionally, specific shows will specify a deadline, in which case you will be notified via email.
- All subscription benefits work within the same season (e.g. 2024-2025) as the subscription package. The exact benefit start dates and deadlines change each year, but in general:
- How do I get my tickets?
- Proctors Collaborative uses paperless ticketing. This means that by default everyone receives electronic tickets. These are typically available for download via your online account starting in August after the last day to opt-out and select your crossvenue. Any tickets not yet downloaded will be emailed to you shortly before each show. In an effort to reduce illegal reselling, some shows do not release physical or electronic tickets until the week of the event, so if you do not see all of them on your account, do not worry. The Box Office will email them to you when available. If you opt-out of paperless tickets, physical tickets will be printed for you to pick up at will call on the day of each show. Read more about paperless ticketing options here.
- What if I need more tickets to one of the subscription shows?
- Subscribers at both Proctors and theREP can purchase Add-On Tickets to subscription shows before those events go on sale to the general public. For full details, see the Customize section on our Subscription Benefits page. Please note that your additional tickets will be subject to the same exchange benefits as subscription tickets.
- What if I miss my performance?
- We cannot refund or exchange missed performance tickets. To get the best seats, however, we strongly recommend that you call the Box Office as soon as possible if you think you will not be able to attend your scheduled performance.
- What are REP-ceptions at theREP?
- REP-ceptions are one of four special performances within each show at theREP: Opening Night, Chef’s Table, Thirsty Thursday, and Behind-the-Scenes. There is a pre or post-show special event with complimentary hospitality available to all attendees on those performances. Patrons of these performances will see a price difference reflected in their tickets. For specific details/dates, check out the event pages at