ICFS and Union College Film Studies present the “HITCHCOCK: THE DARK SIDE OF GENIUS” series

Join us for a four-week exploration of the films and persona of Alfred Hitchcock. Known for his cinematic brilliance, Hitchcock challenges audiences to extend their fear and judgment beyond the screen, inviting them into the dark recesses of a tortured mind. His films showcase both his genius and his flaws, all while he slyly points a finger at us, as if to say: “You too!” Are you game for expert discussions and screenings of four key films by Sir Alfred Hitchcock?

“Saboteur” (1942) Tuesday, April 15

Distinguished writer Dorothy Parker applied her patented polish to the screenplay for “Saboteur,” Alfred Hitichcock’s first fully American film. In this spy thriller, a young factory worker (Robert Cummings; “Dial M for Murder”) is accused of starting the fire that killed his best friend and must go on the run if he hopes to prove his innocence. Priscilla Lane (“Arsenic,” “Old Lace”) also star.

Local film historian Justin K. Rivers will introduce the film and lead a post-screening Q&A. Not rated. 109 minutes.

“Shadow Of A Doubt” (1943) Tuesday, April 22

In Hitchcock’s first indisputable masterpiece, a teenage girl (Teresa Wright, “Best Years of Our Lives”) is overjoyed when the uncle she was named after (Joseph Cotton, “Citizen Kane”) comes to visit. As secrets about him come to the fore, however, she increasingly comes to suspect he might be the “Merry Widow Murderer” currently sought by authorities. A young Hume Cronyn (“Cocoon”) co-stars in his very first film, and Thornton Wilder contributed to the screenplay! 

Michael Oatman (Associate Professor of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) will introduce the film and lead a post-screening Q&A. Not rated. 108 minutes.

“Rear Window” (1954) Tuesday, April 29

Based on a short story by the esteemed Cornell Woodrich, Jimmy Stewart stars as a bored photographer who passes the time spying on neighbors while recovering from a broken leg. His covert observations will soon lead him to suspect a neighbor of murder. Grace Kelly also stars along with Raymond Burr.

James A. de Seve (Co-Director of Film Studies, Senior Artist-in-Residence, Union College) will introduce the film and lead a post-screening Q&A. Rated PG. 112 minutes.

“The Birds” (1963) Tuesday, May 6

A San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small seaside town in this Daphne Du Maurier tale which takes a turn for the bizarre when thousands of birds begin terrorizing the residents in a series of deadly attacks. Tippi Hedren stars in her first featured role. Rod Taylor (“The Time Machine”), Jessica Tandy (“Cocoon,” “Driving Miss Daisy”), Suzanne Pleshette (“Bob Newhart Show”), and Veronica Cartwright (“Alien”) also star.

Michael Oatman (Associate Professor of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) will introduce the film and lead a post-screening Q&A. Rated PG-13. 119 minutes.