Talent We Loved & Lost in 2024 (Shelly Duvall): 3 Women (1977)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

1 Woman Became 2. 2 Women Became 3. 3 Women Became 1.

Our final tribute to those we loved and lost in 2024 brings us to the fabulous Shelly Duvall. Duvall made her debut in Robert Altman’s “Brewster McCloud” (1970), but it was her starring role opposite Sissy Spacek in Altman’s “3 Women” (1977) that convinced Stanley Kubrick she had the depth necessary to play Wendy Torrance in “The Shining.” The set-up is simple. Two physical therapists become roommates. One of them (Duvall) is terribly vain. The other (Spacek) is an awkward teenager who would like to be more like her. Then things get weird and wonderful! Altman famously said that this story came to him in a dream, and you won’t doubt it for a moment. Rated PG. 124 minutes.

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