ICFS Women’s History Month: Point Break (1991) plus Surprise 2nd Feature!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Although not Kathryn Bigelow’s first film, “Point Break” was her first financial success. It was also a critical darling. Starring Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves, Rolling Stone flirtatiously called it a “wet Western,” and the “greatest female-gaze action movie ever made.” Lori Petty and Gary Busey co-star in this film about an FBI agent who goes undercover as a surfer to gather intel about “The Ex-Presidents”—four bank robbers who commit their crimes wearing masks of former U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Stick around after this screening for a second surprise film! Point Break is rated R and runs 122 minutes. The second movie is considerably shorter. Its running time will not be announced until the night of the event.

Part of our Women’s History Month Series

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